Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I accomplished my goal yesterday of submitting my poetry manuscript to 3 presses and/or contests in March. I have the same goal in April: it's time to develop thick skin with the manuscript. I've been rejected 737 times by journals so I've built up pretty thick with literary journals. But presses that publish chapbooks and book-length manuscripts is another beast. My manuscript took my 5 years to finish. I officially finished it in early March. I already hate it and loathe everything about it, which I hope is normal. But I now feel free to pursue new ideas, etc.

I'm loving David Roderick's Blue Colonial: both wonderfully crafted and elegant.

I hope to post "The Fat (Book Review #2 & 3)" in the next two weeks. The books: Jason Bredle's Standing In Line For The Beast and Kevin Prufer's National Anthem. It's not NewPages but I enjoy writing about other people's work.

On deck tonight: New Belgium 1554 Brussels Style Black Ale and more Battlestar.

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