Monday, March 17, 2008

The Leprechauns

Last night Megan and I turned all of the furniture upside down and hung backpacks and book bags from the ceiling and spattered green things all over the living room: drums, bean bag frogs, pencils and pens, Starburst, Skittles, papier-mache, etc. We posted signs on the walls with "The Leprechauns were here!!!" scrawled in green magic marker. Our dog, Hawkeye freaked out. Our youngest son Brayden stood and stared. It didn't phase Gavin. He asked if he gets presents for St. Patrick's Day. Elijah was annoyed that he had to help turn the furniture back over. This didn't go over so well.

The other day, after the kids were freaked out by my Coyote story, Megan sent the kids outside to play. They hesitantly slightly frightened by the beast in the woods. Megan proceeded to howl out the open window from behind the curtains. Our boys didn't know it was her. They made a mad dash for the porch and never looked back. Megan insisted it was a coyote or a werewolf and even showed them a mark on her neck that she swore might be a werewolf bite, which was actually just a zit. They believed her until she told them she was just kidding. They laughed but haven't been back to the backyard for over a week.

1 comment:

B.J. said...

Parenting tips from a true master...thanks.