Monday, March 31, 2008

The Future

Five ways to go:

  1. A caviling rant against "the scattered babblings" of drunken narcissists (a la Charles Bukowski wannabes: Yells, drunken slurred speech, Yells, Yells, drunken slurred speech, hush, hush, George Bush sucks, Yells, Yells, more drunken slurred speech...The End!)
  2. A play-by-play commentary on WWE Monday Night Raw which my kids are watching with my wife right now (I think Rick Flar just he's flabby!)
  3. An essay on dismissiveness and the dangers of online dating services for dogs (MLA or APA???)
  4. Engrandizing self-promotion and the endless search for self-fulfillment via knitting clubs("I just donated a scarf to the homeless good deed for 2008 is I must put a picture of 'homeless Bob' on the refrigerator wearing the scarf I, I'll use my poetry magnets...perfect!")
  5. Or none of the above.

Rejections to date: 738. Today it was Southern California Review. I love rejections as much as I love Oreos and I just went through a package of Double Stuff Oreos with my wife in less than 48 hours: purchased at 7:16 pm on Saturday night.

I finished Scientific American Reports' special edition on robots during lunch today. In the future I will control things with my mind via tiny microchips implanted in my brain. Seamlessly flip through channels on the television , control my robot vacuum cleaner, turn off the lights, turn on the microwave and warm up a bowl of Tomato soup, or perhaps even toast some Pop Tarts. Commanding robots by thought will be fun!

Coming Attractions: thoughts on Pleiades, comments on Bredle's Standing In Line For the Beast, the side effects of Chantix, and what I keep in my top dresser drawer (which one: left, right, left, right). Fuck it, I'll stick to the first two.


B.J. said...

Why you no blogga no more?

Jonathan Barrett said...

I want to get back in it. Thanks for the reminder.