Friday, January 23, 2009

Another Emperor Poem

I finished a rough draft for another "emperor poem". So far I've finished 5 but it hasn't been until more recently that I've focused all my attention on completing a series of "emperor poems." So far the titles are:

"The Burial of an Emperor" - which appeared in Notre Dame Review (Issue #25)
"The Emperor's Eunuch"
"The Emperor Orders Death By One Thousand Cuts"
"The Emperor Plays A Divination Game"
"The Emperor Has His Ex-Adviser Buried In the Snow"

I've got a few ideas for future "emperor poems" but I need to continue my research. This has become my new project. I think poets (or in my case aspiring poets) need projects whether they be a chapbook, a book, a series of poems, etc. Or at least I need projects.

But the one thing I hate is the great "sigh" after completing a poem: it is both gratifying and frustrating. On one hand its gratifying because I've finished something with language and yet on the other hand I always have this feeling of "where do I go from here" which is the exact feeling I have right now: what do I work on next? When I experience this I usually will revise an old poem until a new idea surfaces or try a writing prompt if I want to continue composing.

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