Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bank Bits

I work in the internet residential lending division for a small bank based out of Kansas City, MO. I went to the restroom yesterday and while I was walking down the hall I heard the sounds of the ocean along with other inspirational instruments: wind chimes, light flutes, etc. I looked down the hall to see where the music was coming from and saw two massage chairs with some of the women from our operational staff (i.e., processors, underwriters, closers, etc.) getting massages. The music, of course, was to soothe their souls. It was the oddest thing I've ever witnessed at the bank. I guess these are stressful times and the VP of Residential Lending felt it was worthwhile to provide some relief for our overworked operational staff.

While on the subject of work, yesterday I was sharing with one my co-workers that the thing I love about Obama is that he highlights that the government can't fix everything and he extols Americans to get involved, serve, sacrifice, etc. to provide opportunities for everybody to achieve the American Dream. He's even alluded to the fact that "we're all on this together," which is a sentiment that was expressed by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

My co-worker, who's also a staunch Republican, said (and I'm paraphrasing a little bit), "I'm sacrificing by putting food on the table and taking care of my four kids." I hang out with this particular co-worker occasionally and even have sushi with him from time to time. But he's also the top producer in the internet lending division and makes a lot of money. This mentality, which is fairly common in the industry I work in, is going to be an impediment to real long-lasting change and is another reason why, while I enjoy my job and am fortunate to work for the bank, I struggle working in an industry predicated on production: ultimately any industry predicated on production cares about one thing...the bottom line, which is making more money and protecting its own self-interests.

I'll stop...that's the only rant I have. I really don't want to appear as if I'm complaining though because I truly feel blessed by the opportunity I've had to work for the bank...The End.

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