Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Spongia Solis

Spongia Solis is the title of the manuscript I finally put to rest. Essentially I arrived at a place a few months ago in which I didn't care about the manuscript any more. I'd been working on it for approximately 6 years so I quickly put in one final push of organizing the content and then grew indifferent towards it. I believe the indifference is what I need to start submitting it out.

So, starting this month I'm going to submit it to at least 2 publishers and/or contests per month for 2009 and beyond. Those who are familiar with me know that I am tenacious about familiarizing myself with journals and submitting to literary journals. I've applied that same tenacity to familiarize myself with small presses over the past 2 years (since "The Great Purge of 2006" I blogged about yesterday). As a result, I'm ready to apply the same tenacity to submitting out Spongia Solis.

Here's to the adventure (me lifting an imaginary or not-so-imaginary glass of MaCallan's single malt Scotch whisky...12 year...very good and recently on sale).

On a side note, I've indefinitely stopped submitting poems to journals. I decided back in September that I wanted to take a break for a year and focus on writing new material and submitting Spongia Solis. I'll probably get back to submitting to literary journals next fall but I think I'm going to do it on a much more limited scale (more on this later).

1 comment:

Brandon Jones said...

You should have Elijah do the cover art.